稻草人 (2000)
地区:俄罗斯 语言:
上映:2000-02-14(柏林国际电影节)2000-10-17(Uppsala International Short Film Festival)2001-10-27(Chicago International Children‘s Film Festival)2001
类型: 片长:15分钟
别名:ScarecrowPugalo标签:短片 / 俄罗斯 / 微电影 / 2000 / 俄罗斯电影 / 蒂尔施威格 / 信仰 / ISFVF导演/编剧
导演:Alexander Kott编剧:Alexander Kott主要演员
蒂尔·施威格 /
Valentin Leuchov稻草人 剧情简介:
A small boy lives with his grandfather in an old builder’s caravan in the vast expanse of the Russian Steppes. There is a scarecrow in front of their makeshift home in the field. With no other playmate, the scarecrow becomes his friend.